Success is in the Failures (Shop Updates)
“Sucess is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”
i am so excited for the future. It’s in my nature. As an Enneagram 7- i am constantly looking forward to what is right around the corner. It also means that I’m not great at waiting. Like a kid waiting for his birthday- I can see the gifts stacked up just out of reach.
For those curious: we have not yet started our buildout for the interior of the shop. The building itself is coming along nicely. The outside patio is completed and most of the landlord’s work inside our space is done. We are awaiting building permits for our buildout and our crew will head in. It has been quite the journey working through permits as the city, the building, and ourselves work together to get everyone’s needs met.
Once we get our permits- it will be a few weeks of construction, a few weeks of training and decorating, and we will be ready for every one of you!
And so here we are- less than a week away from June 1- when I thought we would be celebrating our grand opening. And here is where that quote from Winston Churchill comes into play. One misstep or failure won’t stop us or let us lose momentum. I have said many times before, that as an entrepreneur, you have to be thinking about Plan Z as you watch Plan A burn. What I mean is that our first idea will rarely pan out the way we think. The effective entrepreneur, leader, boss, employee, or human in general can move from failure the next step without defeat.
“You have to be thinking about Plan Z as you watch Plan A burn”
What Sir Churchill doesn’t mean is that bad days won’t happen. Of course they will! I would be lying if I said that these delays haven’t effected me emotionally. But while I feel down, I look at what can be done next. What comes next? Progress is rarely pretty, not the triumphant march into a city with fanfare, but rather a bloody trek marked by strenuous hills and low valleys. But every step is still a step.
And so on we march. We are building a top-notch team, planning excruciatingly fine-tuned details, and planning a menu that will blow you away. Every partnership, every purchase, every detail aimed at making you feel at home.
What can you do while we wait?
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