GoFundMe and our new normal
We are adapting to our new normal- and we cannot thank each of you enough for your generosity and love over the past week. We can’t do this without you.
For those of you who don’t know- this is Josh, the owner of Cohesive. I truly believe that the businesses who succeed in these next few weeks aren’t the ones who hold a “you’re on your own” mentality, but instead aren’t afraid to ask for help.
And this is me, asking you for help. We have been able to defer many of our bills for a few months. We have stripped our schedule down to bare bones- but without help, we won’t survive. Most small businesses won’t, if they are honest, without outside help.
There are measures the Government is lining up, but everything is still so new and i want to do the most to provide for my team. I want to make sure that employees are paid for their time- and if possible, take care of them if we have to close. I want to make sure our quality never drops so that our customer family receives the absolute best we have. I want to pay off some of our debt so that it isn’t holding over us any longer.
So, because of this, I have set up a GoFundMe to help raise money, the grassroots way. Cohesive Coffee has always been about community- and now I am asking the community for assistance.
I am asking you, dear reader, to donate. Whether its $5, $20, $100, or more- I ask you to give. Know that none of this is coming home with me- instead every penny is to make sure Cohesive stays the place you love, and that the Cohesive team is provided for.
Also- it would mean the world if you could share this link to the go fund me (https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-cohesive-coffee?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link-tip&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet)